PDF Version of Instructions

The following process is best practices for DIY mold remediation that we gathered from professionals in the field. You might find you need to contact a professional service if your situation is complex.


  • Wear gloves, masks, and eye protection at all times when around mold and chemicals.

  • DO NOT USE FANS TO DRY OUT INITIALLY. They can spread spores around. You can use fans after mold mitigation strategies.

  • Put up barriers (like plastic) between open areas (such as between basement and first floor).

    • NOTE: Spores can travel and impact other areas of the home if left open


  • Move all objects out of the area. 

  • Dry out the basement with dehumidifiers (and air purifiers if possible).

  • If there is sheet rock in the area, it should be removed up to the line where the water came, since mold will continue to grow behind the sheetrock without you even knowing.

  • Continue monitoring moisture levels using a hygrometer.  (Relatively inexpensive ~$8-25.)


  1. Use white vinegar (no need to dilute) in spray bottles and spray directly onto your rags. 

    NOTE: Only spray onto the rags, do not spray around the basement. It can spread spores. 

  2. Wipe all surfaces that water touched with your rags.

    NOTE: Continually rinse rags or dispose of them. If you are rinsing rags in a bucket, continually exchange for clean water or else the rags will spread the mold.

  3. Let soak for 20-30 minutes.

  4. Wipe down with a clean, damp sponge after scrubbing. Keep water to a minimum, avoid increasing moisture. (You can vacuum after wiping down if you’d like.)

    Optional Step - SEVERAL HOURS LATER: mix 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda in 2 cups of water and scrub all impacted surfaces.  (Baking soda brings down the acidity and will inhibit mold regrowth.)

  5. NEXT DAY/24 HOURS LATER: spray Concrobium mold control (or diluted Shockwave concentrate) with hand sprayer or pump sprayer.


Day 1: Mask, gloves, white vinegar, rags, empty spray bottles, buckets, sponges (optional - baking soda).

Day 2: PPE plus: pump sprayer (or spray bottles), concrobium or shockwave concentrate/water.

Note: Bleach is less effective; it helps with surfaces but not embedded spores. (Bleach is also very corrosive and toxic, whereas white vinegar will absorb and kill spores to prevent new growth and spread.)